My invention, in its generic nature, comprises a mechanical means arranged for being readily supported within an image, preferably that of a rabbit, which includes a receptacle for receiving balls or cubes of like shape and size, a receiver and delivery member, which may be, and preferably is, in practice, represented as the mouth of a rabbit or chicken, lever operated means for shifting the “eggs,” to lift the bulk to discharge the eggs one at a time through the delivery member automatic devices for sustaining the bulk in the delivery end and for feeding additional “eggs” in position when the lever is actuated, the said lever in the showing made being a representation of the tail of a rabbit or chicken, the whole having such appearance and being so constructed that a child, in pressing down the tail of the object, causes the ” eggs” to feed from the mouth of the object, the receptacle being so positioned, that additional “eggs” can be easily slipped into the said receptacle to re-supply the discharging means.