This invention is a combination of a subliminal message generator that is 100% user programmable for use with a television receiver. The subliminal message generator periodically displays user specified messages for the normal television signal for specific periods of time and duration. This permits an individual to employ a combination of subliminal and supraliminal therapy while watching television. Additionally, with the use of a modem and floppy disk option a therapist can down load both specialized graphic pictures and three dimensional text with just a phone call, thereby foregoing the necessity of an office visit, especially when availability of an appointment may not be immediate.”
Eliminating Procrastination
Enhancing Energy
Reduce Sleep Problems
Stress Reduction
Home Safety for Kids
Study Skills
Sexual Confidence
Reinforcing Spiritual Convictions
Life with Serendipity
Creating Positive Relationships
Overcoming Codependancy
Believing in Miracles
Releasing the Healing Power within
Controlling Anger and Negative Emotions
Release from Emotional Addictions
Improving Creativity
Improving Athletic Performance
Getting Self Disciplined
Setting and Achieving Goals
Freedom from the Past Through Forgiveness
Improving Selling Skills
Focus on Better Parenting
Drug/Chemical Addictions
Principles/Laws of Success
Alcoholism and Releasing Shame
Bringing the Family Together
Conquering Rejection and Compulsion
Speaking to the Child Within