“It is a deplorable but well known fact that one of ‘the most common causes of insanity, imbecility and feeble mindedness, especially in youth,is due to masturbation or self abuse. This is about equally true of both sexes.”
“Physicians, and more particularly physicians, nurses and attendants associated with insane asylums, have long found this habit the most difficult of all bad practices to eradicate, because of the incessant attention required of them in respect to the-subjects in their care. In fact it has been found practically impossible to give to any such unfortunate person that constant personal attention which is, under heretofore tried methods of treatment, necessary. to accomplish the redemption of such persons from such habits. Therefore, with persons who have carried on such disastrous practices until serious ailments of the mind have resulted, there has been but little hope of cure. These are all facts but too well known by persons whose professions have made them familiar with this subject.”