The object of my invention is the provision of a telescopic amusement device possessing what I shall term “magic powers,” as the instrument is adapted to bring into the field of vision of the object glass, focus, and bring close to the eye of the observer, images apparently originating in such remote regions of space, that the distances from the terrestrial observer, must for convenience, be expressed in light years, light centuries, or other astronomical unit. And, in addition to viewing the images at close range, the observer may hold vocal communication with the objects.
Through the eyepiece of the telescope, fanciful characters, mythological creatures, pseudoscientific races, such as Martians, and the like, can be viewed and spoken to at close range in animated form, and stage props forming portions of the scene, may, with technological propriety, comprise any special aspect of the heavens, such as clouds, stars, planets, comets, satellites, or other heavenly bodies.