My invention relates to an improvement in spectacular machines wherein a number of configurations are arranged upon a platform in juxtaposition with a series of placards having printed or marked thereupon verses or stanzas of poetry or other matter relevant to said configurations, the said placards having removable covers for obscuring the same from view and wherein suitable mechanism is arranged in conjunction with said configura tions and covers for actuating the same, as hereinafter described.
The third verse or stanza is illustrated by one or more specimens or miniature configurations of fish C, which are provided with mechanism for continuous movement. A dish is arranged in close proximity thereto. The s.aid dish may be given an appearance realistic to the following verse by partially filling the same with blood-colored substance. The placard 3 momentarily exposes the fol lowing:
“Who caught his blood?”
“I,” said the Fish,
“In my little dish, And I caught his blood.”